Lets Talk Front Covers
Do you Ever Really KNow it’s going to be the front Cover?
The simple answer to that is NO….. But you can increase the odds of getting THE cover shot if….
- You Shoot Portrait for the shots that are likely to be considered.
- You can encapsulate the theme / essence of the Event in just one shot.
So with that in mind I can take you through some of our Event Photography that we were pretty sure would end up on the front cover.

TUCO Conference 2019
We knew this was going to happen and once we’d got the party photos we knew it was time to set up in the exact spot and wait for the Fireworks to commence.
It has copy space above for the Magazine Logo. It has copy space below for the tag line. Yes there are around 5 of these images all with fireworks in various stages of illumination and all could quite easily have ended up on the cover. This is not just a right time and place image, this was a sit and wait for the action to unfold image.
National Pizza Awards 2022
This one is a great example of right place right time great composition. This is the winner of the National Pizza awards 2022. Of course at the time of taking the image we had no idea that he would go on to be crowned the winner but from a story telling viewpoint it has all the elements that make a great cover, Pizza, Action, Pizza oven, logo on jacket. What’s not to like.

National Burger Awards 2019
With all the craziness of the competition going on all around sometimes it is necessary to just take a moment and think, would that make a great shot….?
So here we are, burger in hand looking straight down the barrel of the camera lens, light transitioning from left to right. I knew as soon as the image was taken that it was the cover shot. The tension, the drama and of course the hero of the hour (The Burger) right there front and centre.
TUCO Competitions
This again is an absolutely perfect cover shot.
The concentration of the chef in the heat of competition, getting ready to serve up the most amazing plate of food ready to be judge by some of the finest pallets in the country.
Loads of copy space, the story telling of the image.

StrEAT Food Awards 2022
This one was by no means a define cover shot, yes it was the winning dish, yes it was well exposed and composed, but at the time of capture we still had another 24 dishes to photograph. The point is that you have to take every still life food competition image as if it the cover shot because you never know which on it will be. It could the the prettiest plate or it could be a bit dull to look at.
It’s all random….
That’s absolutely not true. You try to put yourself in the mindset of the editor, the studio magazine creator and you shoot for them. They are the people who will ultimately bring the story to life, you are just there to make it look pretty.

Just a small selection of front covers over the years from Events we’ve covered.